Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Appreciate

Today, seems like is my bad day!! Hmm, i think not my bad day, but the person who care me......

Yeah, the first person is my dar, as he alwasy laying on the bed until the very last minutes in the early morning. I just don't like he is always being like this, bcoz it alwasy make me mad...while i'm busy preparing stuff, i still have to worry about him, wake him up at time so that he won't be late!! But, i am the one always late, know, guy can get ready SUPER fast, 10minutes they can settle everything including brush teeth, bath, change attire, and setting their hair!! But for gals, need to mention you already know what's happening, yeah, at least 30-40minutes for me to prepare and get ready!! That's why, i am mad......both of us is in rush, but i still have to take care of him!! We took the breakfast without talking. He made a cup of milo to me, and i mad on him again, he stared at me with lot of question mark...... But i still never being soft to him and i said: I can't finished the Milo, why you made for me?!!

He was very upset, and he drank 2 cup of Milo in front of me...... Why i'm being like that?!!! Maybe, i'm mad, beside that, I prefer to share with him with a cup of Milo instead of seperate it into two cup!!!

Another gentleman who care me, also, i think i have hurt him!! With lot of misunderstanding...... I think, i was wrong.... But i just can't explain it nicely to him!! Sorry..... When i am not in the mood, i can't talk nicely but with a lot of nonsense!!! yeah yeah...I am bad!!!

Something make me awake, i think, i should hit my head and make myself clear!! Nothing can be destroyed my optimism but myself!! I am the one who need to say SORRY!! Just want to let you guys know that, i am appreciate you~~ And i appreciate everything happens in my life too~~!! Cheerrssss!!

A very happy birthday to you (Wei Chen), wish u have a pleasant day!!

1 comment:

aarontay23 said...

wow wow wow..start blogging le..not bad not bad..cheer~~~